
EP17: How to Grow Your Readership to 3,000,000 Per Month In Less Than a Year with Sam Parr

Starting out with twenty dollars invested in a WordPress site, Sam Parr, co-founder of The Hustle, planned a conference with the idea that people would show up, and they did; 360 attendees in the first year of Hustle Con became almost 600 the following one, and 2000 the next. Now with attendance capped at 2000, they come to hear fifteen of the most outrageously successful and interesting startup founders that Sam along with his co-founder, John Havel, and his fellow Hustlers can find. These fantastic fifteen are there to share startup tactics for non-techies, in what’s been described as a less uptight version of TED. In less than a year, The Hustle has grown their readership numbers from 10,000 to 3 million. How in the world of today’s media moguls did they do it?! Sam is ready to share, so if you’re looking for ways to move the needle on your readership numbers, or ways to engage your audience, watch this week’s podcast to find out how The Hustle has managed to accumulate three million readers by implementing three key tactics. Sam is no novice in the entrepreneurial circuit. After being fired from six or seven jobs, he has become a serial entrepreneur, having launched and sold multiple startups. Now, based on the concept of a daily newsletter with everything you need to know that’s going on in the world, polarizing topics, and a distinctive voice, Sam’s sure you will find The Hustle to be the best news source available. “Go to thehustle.co, and sign up,” he says, “and if you don’t like it, you can send me a bunch of hate mail.”

About the Podcast

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Authentic Brand Mastery Podcast
Interviews & discussions to help fast-track the growth of your social impact brand

About your host

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Adam Force

As a father and entrepreneur with 20 years of professional business experience Adam is an expert in branding storytelling, digital marketing and user experience . After working 10 years at WebMD as Director of Strategic Marketing Adam started his second business, Change Creator, a lifestyle and education brand with their signature program, The Captivate Method, the Change Creator Podcast with 200+ expert interviews, and 30+ editions of Change Creator Magazine reaching over 140+ countries including exclusive interviews from the most impactful entrepreneurs on the planet such as Seth Godin, Arianna Huffington and Richard Branson.