Episode 239

Sam Adams: What it Takes to Build a Media Brand Today (and how they raised $4m)

Building a media brand today is not an easy task. This is very different than other business models and requires a big money many times. Sam Adams and his cofounder Spencer Rascoff (cofounder of Zillow), teamed up to create dot.LA, which is a media company focused on shining a light on innovative projects within national and L.A. specific tech and start-up space. We talk to Sam about their journey so far and learn how they are growing the brand but also what they did to raise $4m of funding.

More About Sam Adams

Sam Adams serves as chief executive of dot.LA. A former financial journalist for Bloomberg and Reuters, Adams moved to the business side of media as a strategy consultant at Activate, helping legacy companies develop new digital strategies. Adams holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and an MBA from the University of Southern California. A Santa Monica native, he can most often be found at Bay Cities deli with a Godmother sub or at McCabe's with a 12-string guitar. His favorite colors are Dodger blue and Lakers gold.

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Authentic Brand Mastery Podcast
Interviews & discussions to help fast-track the growth of your social impact brand

About your host

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Adam Force

As a father and entrepreneur with 20 years of professional business experience Adam is an expert in branding storytelling, digital marketing and user experience . After working 10 years at WebMD as Director of Strategic Marketing Adam started his second business, Change Creator, a lifestyle and education brand with their signature program, The Captivate Method, the Change Creator Podcast with 200+ expert interviews, and 30+ editions of Change Creator Magazine reaching over 140+ countries including exclusive interviews from the most impactful entrepreneurs on the planet such as Seth Godin, Arianna Huffington and Richard Branson.