Episode 226

Michael Unbroken: Starting and Growing a Coaching Business That Saves Lives

How do you know if you have a valid business or that you even could be a coach that actually helps people? We spoke to an expert, Michael Unbroken, who had no intention of being a coach but saw a ton of signs that led him in that direction. Today, he helps people who have dealt with childhood trauma live better lives and now runs a small successful team that is continuing to grow more and more. So much so, that he even got investment from Grant Cardone. Listen in for a ton of great tips and advice that will change the game for you and your journey whether your a coach or not.

About Michael and Unbroken - in his own words:

"I didn’t sign up to be the spokesman for survivors of child abuse. In fact, this job sucks. I mean that.

The truth is that the universe chose me for this role. I have been gifted the ability to navigate the most harsh and vicious child abuse to come out on the other side seemingly whole. I say seemingly because there will always be a part of me that was stolen. I cannot get that back. None of the rage, drugs, sex, rock n’ roll, or anger will give me that thing that was stolen.

The world is both beautiful and brutal and I have seen the best and the worst of it. I know that the abuse I suffered has given me an undeniable strength that I was only able to tap into after falling face first into complete darkness.

There is truth in understanding that Mindset is Everything. There are no shortcuts, trust me I’ve tried them all. There is hard work and on the backside of that is getting your life back.

Think Unbroken is about sharing the tools and skills I have created and leveraged over a lifetime to help other people break free of The Vortex and become the person that they know they are capable of being. If I can do it then anyone can."

About the Podcast

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Authentic Brand Mastery Podcast
Interviews & discussions to help fast-track the growth of your social impact brand

About your host

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Adam Force

As a father and entrepreneur with 20 years of professional business experience Adam is an expert in branding storytelling, digital marketing and user experience . After working 10 years at WebMD as Director of Strategic Marketing Adam started his second business, Change Creator, a lifestyle and education brand with their signature program, The Captivate Method, the Change Creator Podcast with 200+ expert interviews, and 30+ editions of Change Creator Magazine reaching over 140+ countries including exclusive interviews from the most impactful entrepreneurs on the planet such as Seth Godin, Arianna Huffington and Richard Branson.